I Am INFP!!!



SO. I took this cool, free MBTI test here, and I discovered that my MBTI type is INFP-Assertive!!! Generally known as a dreamy, peace-loving type, we INFPs are idealistic and value our ethics more than anything else.

Everything I read on that page seemed to ring a chord with me and helped me discover more about myself. Why not take this test yourself? I’m dying to know which type you are!

#5 Harry Potter Moment Of The Week

Sick of being late again! This is another one of my combo-prompt posts. I’m responding to what my Patronus and Boggart will be in today’s post.

Cutest one I could find.

Cutest one I could find.

I took two tests ( one at What’s My Patronus? and the other at Teen quizzes) to determine my Patronus, and both of them unanimously decided it would be an otter. Considering my similarities to Hermione Granger (I can prove it if you like), an otter seems to be my only possible Patronus. Stupid, seeing that I’ve never liked otters (they stink of fish, and I’m vegetarian). But they seem to be pretty intelligent creatures, so I’m okay with that.

I just hate this word.

I just hate this word.

I really, really, hated this messed-up Boggart test. Honestly, the three things I’m most scared of are losing everyone I love, being judged, and yep, you guessed it right. Failure. I’m also scared of worms, but the test doesn’t seem to count that. I’m half INFP and half INTP (a mixture of Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger according to this). I say this because I just have a slight preference for Feeling over Thinking. Still, it irks me to know that failure is my Boggart. Maybe my Riddikulus spell will turn it into ‘Success!’ instead…

What is YOUR Patronus and Boggart? How will YOUR Riddikulus spell combat your worst fear? Let me know!