OMG! 1000 Likes!!!



So maybe it’s taken me centuries to reach here (not really, just 547 days) to reach 1000 likes, but I made it anyway, so YAY! Thank you dear followers, likers, commenters, trolls, flamers…for helping me reach here. Especially for the latter two for steering clear away from my blog (and making my life easier)!


A Year Old!

Hey guys! I’m glad to say that The Epic Blog ha officially turned a year old today! Now, where’s the applause? *looks around expectantly*

Honestly, I can’t believe that I’ve made it so long here at WordPress. All my thanks go to you guys for all your encouraging words! Thank you so much 🙂 And thank you, WP 🙂 You all made my life epic!

Here are some of my favourite posts over the year:

Dawn Of A New Blog … – My very first post!

The Werewolf – The first Writing Challenge I ever took up!

The ‘Sporting’ Spirit – I had lots of fun writing this series!

The Irony – No comments on this one!

Lalbagh Flower Show – One of my most popular photo gallery.

Water – My uber cool haiku (I can’t stop boasting about it).

Foggy Memories – Unforgettable. I almost died before I could finish it.

Habit – My first poem for Mara Eastern’s hugely popular Poetry 101 Rehab!



Dawn of a New Blog…

Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.

Oscar Wilde

Read more at L

“Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.”

Oscar Wilde

Hi everyone! I’m Madvanthi (you can call me Mads), a new blogger. I have decided to blog for the simple reason that I want to share my love for myth and folklore here. Anybody interested???

This is the dawn of a new blog.  Dawn is a beautiful time. The mild, orange sky, the blooming of flowers, dew on the leaves of plants…dawn indeed is wonderful. Talking of dawns, did you know that there are various deities for dawn?



In Ancient Greece, the Titaness Eos was the dawn goddess.  Described as being ‘rosy-fingered’ and ‘saffron-clad’ by the great poet Homer (in his epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey), she is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister to Helios and Selene (the deities of the Sun and the Moon respectively).



Aurora, however, is the Roman goddess of dawn, and is quite similar to Eos. She, according to the Romans, is the daughter of Hyperion, and sister to Sol and Luna (the Sun and the Moon deities respectively). Rings a bell somewhere?



In India, it is Ushas who is the goddess of dawn. Like Eos and Aurora, Dyaus Pita (literally meaning ‘sky father’). She is portrayed as a beautiful young woman warding evil spirits away.

I personally believe that all civilizations are somehow inter-connected to each other. Look at the similarities between them. What are your views on this?

Does anyone know more deities of dawn from their culture? Let me know.

Cheers for now!
