Top 5 Fictional Characters I Learnt From


It is Teacher’s Day here in India! Commemorating that is today’s post on what I learnt from fictional characters… 

5. Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock


What I learnt:

Okay, this one is quite superficial, but *shrugs* learning is learning!

  • How to deduce people


  • How to survive when shot in a non-fatal area


  • How to use clever insults!


4. Isabella “Bella” Swan  from The Twilight Saga


Before you all click “Unfollow” and run away, I’d like to add this – she taught me what NOT to be.

What I learnt:

  • To not be as selfish, stupid, petty and (insert choicest negative traits here) as her.


  • She is engaged to the man of her dreams, and the only thing she does is whine about how he is sooo over-indulgent and caring towards her (and how annoying that is). Gee, Bella. I feel so sorry for you.


  • Fine, she chooses Edward over Jacob. That means that she should let go of Jacob, so that he can find someone for himself. But oh no, Bella has the cake, eats the cake, and takes the cakes of others as well.


3. Anne Shirley from Anne Of Green Gables

Ah, finally, a sensible heroine 🙂


What I learnt: 

Anne taught me that it is okay to be wildly imaginative and trusting, always hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. She actually made me feel normal and accepted at a time where everybody was calling me ‘weird’ and ‘freaky’ for being dreamy:




and just a *teensy* bit dramatic:

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2. Anthony Howard “Tony” Stark from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

This might come as a surprise to most of you (considering the events of Age of Ultron and Civil War) but Tony continues to be my first crush and all-time favorite superhero.

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What I learnt:

Tony inspired me to dare to aim high, to not be afraid of failure, to be wild, impulsive and just plain arrogant and awesome. Be gutsy, be brave, and be proud. Considering that I have a tendency to hesitate before doing anything, Tony taught me this:




  1. Remus John Lupin from Harry Potter

This must come as no surprise, since I’m always talking about how my love for Remus Lupin, Werewolf Extraordinaire, is an eternal and undying flame kindled in my heart…Apart from the little things about him that makes me go “Awww,” here’s what I learnt from him.


What I learnt:

Your life may be screwed up as hell, but I have no rights whatsoever to take it out on others. Lupin’s kind and non-judgmental attitude towards everyone did wonders to my hard little heart. The way he treated others shows the strength of will he must have had, battling a terrible condition, but trying to not let it show. Wise indeed.

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Granted, he had his moments of crippling inferiority which an insensitive soul may call ‘weakness’.  But I believe that he realized the gravity of his action only after Tonks became pregnant, so I don’t  particularly blame him for that, because all of us have experienced the “What have I done?” feeling before.

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It does take a lot of courage to fight for the future even when it means certain death. And I deeply revere Remus for that.

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Oh, and just ignore me choking here, It is just those damn onion-cutting ninjas.

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But ending on a happy note (read: HP better than Twilight!!!)

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Wanna argue with me about one of my nominees? Or just want to share the lessons you learnt from fiction? Feel free to share them below!





My Ships And Songs



Hey guys!

Sunday today, time for fangirling finally found!

Here’s a list of my favorite ships and the songs I associate with them:

  1. James Potter x Lily EvansInto The Night, Santana Ft. Chad Kroeger

I feel that this is what EXACTLY James would have sung when he first saw Lily. And the beats to the song suits James’ personality so much – proud and upbeat.

2. Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks A Thousand Years, Christina Perri

A more beautiful match cannot be found.

3. Tony Stark x Pepper PottsLeave Out All The Rest, Linkin Park

I feel that this is fitting especially after Age of Ultron

4. Hazel Lancaster x Augusts WatersPhotograph, Ed Sheeran

I also considered Tobias and Tris from Divergent for this one, but meh, I’m in the Tobias hating minority, so I stuck with Hazel and Gus instead.

5. Teddy Lupin x Victoire WeasleyBest Song Ever, One Direction

I know that there is absolutely nothing given about them in canon (Thanks for disappointing me, Cursed Child ), but this is how I imagined their relationship would have gone.

Have better songs for these ships? Or better ships for these songs? Or hell, totally different ships and songs? Share in the comments below!




Introducing: The Phoenix Initiative



Hey guys!

My friends and I have started a social project called The Phoenix Initiative. It is the rallying cry of teenagers against something they have to face and endure everyday – gender stereotypes.

No, liking pink does not make you “girly”, nor does liking to play sports make you a “tomboy”. Being a guy who loves to dance doesn’t make you “effeminate”. And oh, did I mention that every human has the right to cry without being judged?


We, the Phoenixers, believe that even if we have changed a single person’s mindset, we have done something towards a better, safer world. We may not be old and wise,but we do know what is right and what is not.

We are sure that you too would have faced situations like this before. Join us. Rise from the ashes.

You can follow our blog, The Phoenix Initiative.

On Instagram @phoenixinitiative11

Like our page on Facebook – The Phoenix Initiative

We are coming soon on YouTube and Twitter.




Till Death Do Us Apart

Haunting echoes of laughter,

Your charming, infectious smile,

Spreading, while crinkling your eyes.

I clutch at those things of past,

Grasping at every last straw,

Oh, all those happy times!

Now only their ghosts remain

Phantom feeling of hands

Together, fingers interlaced.

As a breeze, both hot and cold

Blew against our faces that day,

I strummed my guitar while you

Sang like a nightingale.

As I stand by your grave today

Cold wind whipping my face,

Nothing ever seems the same,

Memories, just washed away.

Smiling, on the ground you lay,

As if dreaming, never to wake.


Bitter recollections

Unwilling to

Remember all the mistakes

Nevertheless, think of them again.

BURN them,

As you would burn

Useless trash to get rid of them.

BURN them,

As you would burn

Wood to give you warmth.

BURN your fears,

Your sadness, your horrors,

Your insecurities,

Your worst memories.

BURN your flaws,

The criticisms,

The self-loathing

And hatred you’ve always had.

And blow your problems away,

Just as you blow away these ashes,

And always believe in

A better life, without scars.

How To Deal With Disappointment

  1. Shrug your shoulders.
  2. Smile.
  3. Say that you were wrong for expecting too much, and that you realize it.
  4. Say that it is not such a big deal.
  5. Go to the bathroom/bedroom, whichever is nearest.
  6. Cry your heart out. SILENTLY.
  7. Wash your face, and think of something really funny that is bound to make you smile.




8. Come outside, and smile again as if nothing happened. If unconscious tears seep out, you are having dust/pollen allergy.

9. Drink a hot beverage to calm your nerves. I’d recommend tea.

10. Never expect anything again. Atleast try not to.

Happy 400, Will


Lovely Google Doodle here



We know what we are, but know not what we may be.

William Shakespeare

The first work of Shakespeare’s that I read was an abridged version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, back when I was eight. I remember being enthralled by the beautiful name of the play. Whoa, I thought. Think about combining midnight and summer.

Then, the sheer number of characters attracted me: Titania, Puck,  Oberon. And the love quadrilateral with people of similar names. I remember having a headache trying to differentiate between Hermia and Helena, and their confusing loves. A petty eight-year-old, no wonder.

Now, I’m much older, and having read some more Shakespeare (and other authors), I feel that an average human lifespan is not enough to appreciate his insight into life.

Here’s to a happy 400 years of peace and quiet to William Shakespeare. You will love long in our hearts. You have lived quite long there, actually. Whatever.





That’s pretty deep.

Because it’s not the fall that kills you, Sherlock. Of all people, you should know that, it’s not the fall, it’s never the fall. It’s the landing!

– Jim Moriarty from Sherlock







She thought it was flight,

So she flew with delight.

But she soon lost sight

And fell into the night.

Slowly, the rancid smell

Crept up her nose.

Slowly, the claustrophobia,

Swallowed her soul.

With fear in her eyes

And pain in her voice,

She was too late to realise

That she had landed in her pit of lies.








Padding my heart with excuses

From the prick of my conscience

Been avoiding this for long

This was equally my fault

As much as it was yours.

Either I have gathered my guts

Or I’m drunk with stupidity

I hate to admit it, but

YES, I was responsible too

For burning down our

Non-existent bridges.

YES, I was the catalyst

Who sped our inevitable fall

Your mistake does not seem

As unforgivable as before

When I compare it with mine.

All those nostalgic days

Tinted with laughter…sigh…

I know we can’t remake our past

But now that it’s all said and done

Will you find it in your heart

To forgive my folly?