

Considering that Robert Downey Jr. and Tony Stark (!) were my first crushes, this was a no-brainer for me! #TeamIronMan #TeamStark


(Though Cap looks amazing in this poster…wait, did I make the right choice? YES, I DID!)

So what about you?

This goes out to you…



Mind-bogglingly insane

Or so sensible that it kills me

Optimistic and ever ready for a bit of fun

Never seen you angry (thankfully)

Indeed lovely with ivory skin and ebony hair

Sweet, smart and sassy

Always there for a friend, no matter what.

Happy birthday to you!


Wishing you common sense, brains, and an even larger heart on 13th April. Many happy returns to the infernally awesome  M••n¡$@# .  And yeah, this is my birthday gift to you. No more expectations!



P.S. – And thanks for the promotion!


Zayn Malik, Nirbhaya And Other Mega Face-Palm Moments

Disclaimer – The below mentioned incidents are true to the best of my knowledge (which is not much to go by, I know) and *may* contain exaggerations.

Some people know something. Many people know nothing. And when these two types clash, you can expect some fireworks and (mega) face-palms.

You guys have probably met my freaker zombie friend, Sanjana. She is someone who rocks at making other people’s ears bleed with her (non)sense.

So this was back when Ellie Goulding was a rage in the school with Love Me Like You Do. Every self-respecting teenager had atleast heard of Ellie Goulding with all that talk about her. So it came as a surprise when my friend and I were singing that song in an annoying shrill voice and THIS happened…

Friends: So love me like you do, la la love me like you do..

Sanjana: Ugh! I hate this song!!! He’s got such a stupid sing-song voice!

Me: He?

Sanjana: He, you know. Zayn Malik. The guy who sung Love Me Like You Do? He sounds like a girl!





Me: Guess what? The new Juvenile Justice Act  just came into force! I’m really happy that the age has been reduced from 18 to 16!

Moonisah: Really? That’s so cool! Finally, everybody gets justice.

Sanjana: I know, right! Finally, we have the right to vote at the age of 16 itself!

Me (*almost spits out the water that I was drinking*): WHAT?!?!?!

Moonisah (*taking a deep breath*): Sanajana, have you ever heard of Nirbhaya?

Sanajana (*looking genuienely surprised at our reaction*): The name sounds familiar…who is she again?


God save our souls.


Me: Guys, I’m so excited for the Indo-Pak match!!!

Amith: I know! I hope India wins!

Vineet: Yeah, and Rohit Sharma plays so well in Eden Gardens!

Moonisah: I know! But I never understood why he was never included in the national squad…I mean, he plays so well in the IPL!

Me, Amith, Vineeth (*horrified expression*):




Not that I myself wasn’t the cause of such facepalms before…but that is for another day!

In celebration of the Mega-Facepalm Spring Equinox (okay, I just made that up), share your facepalm moments in the comments below!

Cheers, and a Happy Easter!

Peace to the victims of Brussels’ terror attacks.


Meet The YOLOS – #2

And since no one bothers about Jim Moriarty, let me get on with the next YOLO: poker face Amith.


Okay, he doesn’t look like that, but he pulls the best poker face I know.

Appearance –  I told you, a nerd with a poker face…


This is a ‘slight’ exaggeration…

The exaxt opposite of Sanjana. Cool, calm and collected. World is ending? So what? Sanjana flunking? So what? Me dying? SO WHAT?

Sometimes, you get really infuriated with it…

He has escapologist tendencies…as you are soon gonna see…

How our conversations go-

-In presence of a girl who likes him (and whom he detests)-

Me – So,your spirit animal is a polar bear. And her spirit animal is a bear. (*slow evil smile*)

Moonisah – Implies…(*wink wink*)


Him – The polar bear just goes into hibernation.


Me and Moonisah – *poker face*


Get what I mean?

Spirit Animal – Enough of pulling his leg. He is a sweet guy, who in Moonisah’s words, …is really sensitive, but does not show you the hurt he feels within.” He is pretty friendly and helpful (duh!) and MAKES THE FUNNIEST JOKES EVER!!! He also absolutely rips of anyone who hurts him (or his friends for that matter).

So he sort of reminds me of that polar bear from His Dark Materials, Iorek Byrninson:


Absoultely sweet, but hiding somewhere (or something?)  in there…

Spirit Song – He claims that it is One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful . No contradictions there (gasp!). He is right.

So who are the (armoured) polar bears among your friends? Do let me know in the comments below!

P.S. – People who do not comment are at great risk of getting mauled by a polar bear. Fair warning given.

P.P.S.- This post was another excuse to post cute polar bear pics.

P.P.P.S. – Anybody who hints at the above P.P.S. gets mauled by me.



Meet my new love:

Andrew Scott


The Sherlock fan part of me knows him to be Jim Moriarty. It says , “This guy is evil, stay away. He owes everyone a fall.”

The girl part of me nows him to be this incredibly adorable/cute/hot/stunning guy and says, “OMG! Just look at him! OMG! OMG! OMG! Awwwww…”

Talking from my sane side, man, Andrew Scott is some actor. Even though I’ve seen him only in Sherlock (all the episodes, though), it is easy to see that he is damn versatile.

He goes from the flirty Jim:


To the extremely sociopathic (and may, I add, psycopathic) Jim Moriarty:


Then to an uber cool thief:


 And suddenly transforms into a scared Richard Brook:


Only to revert back to the crazy consulting criminal:


But the fact is, he is devillishly awesome. And has me wound around his little finger *sigh*

So whose YOUR favourite Sherlock character? Or your favourite actor for that matter? Just let me know in the comments below!

P.S. – This post was just an excuse to post Andrew Scott’s pictures. And did I mention that he is freaking hot???

#7 Powerful Poetry

Song Of The Rain


I am dotted silver threads dropped from heaven
By the gods. Nature then takes me, to adorn
Her fields and valleys.

I am beautiful pearls, plucked from the
Crown of Ishtar by the daughter of Dawn
To embellish the gardens.

When I cry the hills laugh;
When I humble myself the flowers rejoice;
When I bow, all things are elated.

The field and the cloud are lovers
And between them I am a messenger of mercy.
I quench the thirst of one;
I cure the ailment of the other.

The voice of thunder declares my arrival;
The rainbow announces my departure.
I am like earthly life, which begins at
The feet of the mad elements and ends
Under the upraised wings of death.

I emerge from the heard of the sea
Soar with the breeze. When I see a field in
Need, I descend and embrace the flowers and
The trees in a million little ways.

I touch gently at the windows with my
Soft fingers, and my announcement is a
Welcome song. All can hear, but only
The sensitive can understand.

The heat in the air gives birth to me,
But in turn I kill it,
As woman overcomes man with
The strength she takes from him.

I am the sigh of the sea;
The laughter of the field;
The tears of heaven.

So with love –
Sighs from the deep sea of affection;
Laughter from the colorful field of the spirit;
Tears from the endless heaven of memories.

– Kahlil Gibran

Meet The YOLOs – #1

So, yeah. Exams are going on, and I have a hell lot of stuff to study. So why don’t I blog for a while?

Today, you’ll be meeting one of the most…let’s say, colourful members of the YOLO group. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome (with slow claps): THE FREAK-OUT QUEEN (AKA Sanjana)!!!

Appearance – This is how she usually looks:



Legend has it that the day Sanjana relaxes before a test, the world will end and everybody will die. In order to let this prophecy remain unfulfilled (and thus, “save” everyone), she freaks out (and freaks other people out) everyday. That’s commitment and dedication for you.

How our conversations go –

-Before the exam-

Me: Hey, you studied for tomorrow’s exam?

She: No dude, I’m going to fail, I’ll die at the end of this exam, I’ll get very less, I’ll lose some 80 marks in the paper (the paper’s for 90 marks), my mom will kill me, I’ll end up on the roads (some crap that I stop listening to)…

Me – Chillax, It’s going to be…

She – No, no, no! What if everything I DON’T know comes in the exam? What if everyone passes EXCEPT me? What if…(some other waht-ifs that I can’t hear as I have plugged my ears)…

-After the exam-

Me: Hey, how did it go?

She: Horrible! I’m losing three marks! THREE FREAKING MARKS! My life sucks! My mom will kick me out of the house, I’ll end up on the road, I’ll start begging…

Me- *mega facepalm*

Friendship- She is the eternal victiom of our endless practical jokes (*slow evil smile*). Let’s just say that making her watch Pillow Talk (“It’s a song JUST made for you! Do listen, you’ll love it more than you loved The Heart Wants What It Wants!”) did not instill her faith in true friendship…

Other than that, she is a SWEET person, once you get past the fact that she derives immense pleasure from annoying others.

th7I8DOX55She makes you go like this at times, but once in a blue moon, she tells this to you:


And you be like:


And then she be like:


Really. She IS eternally annoying, sweet and (you guessed it) freaking out.

Spirit Animal – Must be a jackass that can transform into a rabbit at will (and yes, those two MUST freak out on a daily basis).

unt2itled                  44untitled

Spirit Song – If Ed Sheeran wrote “Freaking Out Now” instead of Thinkink Out Loud, that would be her spirit song…

So what sort of freak-out friend do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

P.S. – Wanna see her actually freaking out? See the comments here and below!


Keep Calm and YOLO

It’s been a while since I saw you guys, and man, haven’t you guys changed! So have I, and thankfully, it’s all been upward!

My class got shuffled, and I have just met the best people on Earth. Meet the YOLO group, consisting of  my new found friends-siblings-rivals-jerks Moonisah, Sanjana, Amith and Vineet! Easily the most rocking humans I know. So you guys may blame (or maybe love) them for keeping me away from this blog for so long!

I’ve become such a positive, confident, secure and happy person that I’m not even able to recognize myself anymore! As some of my old readers know, I’ve been (*ahem*) a “little” bitchy. Now, I’m filled with love which I’m ready to share. Anybody down in the dumps? Post below, and I’ll see whether I can cheer you up! 🙂 🙂 🙂


See ya all soon!

Mads 🙂

P.S. – To all those who read my blog (and my friends):

